Winter 2024
Volume XVI No. 3
David Etkin,

President's Message:
In January 2023, SHEA entered negotiations with the district. It is difficult to believe that a full year has passed. Ultimately, we persevered through 209 days of an expired contract, presented our position to a PERB mediator, and made countless proposals to finally reach a tentative settlement agreement with the district in January 2024.
This was not an easy journey. It was stressful, emotional, and frustrating throughout. With the support of our membership and an understanding that collective bargaining is the most powerful element of being part of a union, we were able to reach a fair settlement. We cannot express enough gratitude to our entire membership who stood on picket lines, attended BOE meetings, wore SHEA gear, or sent us encouraging texts, emails, and posts that provided a boost to our efforts - it was truly remarkable!
In January, over 300 members were able to attend our membership meeting at the High School to hear all the details of the proposed contract. It was an amazing turnout and it highlighted our unity throughout this challenging process.
In early February, 93% of our membership voted in favor of the agreement. The Board of Education unanimously voted to accept the terms as well. SHEA members received higher salary increases than in any previous contract, a reduction in salary steps, sustained healthcare contributions, and a retirement incentive that increased by $25,000 along with increased revenue toward unused sick days. On the flip side, SHEA has agreed to increase the workday by 15 minutes and add a day to the calendar year for a total of 187.
SHEA’s PRC Team met many times over the past year to prepare and coordinate proposals and terms for this contract agreement. Without the support of the membership, this contract might still be expired. Oftentimes, the PRC team is perceived as not being reflective of the membership. It is too easy for non-members to criticize our leadership or to suggest that what is presented may not reflect our members’ voices. This past year has proven that unity and solidarity within our membership are not just words; they are actions for all of us to be proud of. Our 2023-2027 CBA will have a positive impact on generations of teachers to come. We will be able to retain our current members and recruit the brightest, most qualified talent for years to come.
Paul Szymendera
SHEA President
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Teachers experience high levels of work-related stress, which causes symptoms such as anxiety, depression and burnout. Not to mention stress from our personal lives. Teachers' mental health affects not only their own well-being, but also the quality of education and student achievement. Coping strategies can effectively improve teachers' emotional health.Some practical, common sense suggestions — that work.
It's normal . . .
Remember you are having normal human reactions, just like others under similar stress. You are not going "crazy" or having a nervous breakdown.
Give yourself permission to feel bad. Like the flu, emotional stress has to run its course.
Unwanted thoughts, dreams or flashbacks are normal, too. Accept them as part of healing. They should decrease over time, and in most ways they are adaptive and healing.
Stay in touch with others . . .
Don't isolate yourself.
Talk it out with people. Talk is a very healing medicine.
Allow supportive people to assist you.
Reach out to people who care – family, friends, clergy, counselors.a
Stay active . . .
Maintain a normal, active and productive schedule; modify as necessary.
Physical exercise (within your normal limits) is one of the best ways to reduce stress.
Do things that you enjoy.
Help others . . . (It will help you, too.)
Realize that those around you are also under stress.
Assist family members who are also experiencing stress.
And friends. How are they doing? Helping them helps you.
Take care of yourself . . .
Exercise regularly (within your limits).
Avoid stressful situations for a while.
Have some relaxing times.
Don't abuse drugs or alcohol. This can hinder and delay recovery.
Eat well-balanced, regular meals (even if you don’t feel like it).
Get plenty of rest; remember that sleep disturbance is common, too.
Avoid hazardous activities – there is an increased likelihood of accidents.
Delay making major life decisions until your stress level lowers (symptoms decrease significantly).